international barcode118000000045875007
Whether to importyes
Country/Region of OriginFinland
Specifications48g (120 tablets/medium bottle)
Product dosage formtablet
main ingreadientL-Carnosine + Vitamin E
Not suitable for the crowdother
Dietary ingredientsvitamins
Production DateAdvisory Service
shelf life12 (months)
Purchase date8/18
Product manufacturer nameHannokin
Product manufacturer's addressHannokin
Product manufacturer contact informationAdvisory Service
Supplier nameHannokin
Product standardsAdvisory Service
Storage methodSeal and store in a cool and dry place
PrecautionsThis product contains added nutrients and should not be consumed at the same time as similar nutrient supplements.
Item number5303
Packaging specifications48g (120 tablets/medium bottle)
Storage conditionsnormal temperature
Is it organic?no
Is it green food?no
Is it a time-honored Chinese brand?no
Is it a geographical indication product?no
Organic food certificate numberAdvisory Service
Green food certification numberAdvisory Service
Chinese time-honored brand certificate numberAdvisory Service
Geographical indication product certificate numberAdvisory Service